D4 (A3) Mass Migration
I strongly disagree with the President Donald Trump because it is totally not fair on both of the countries because Trump is strongly trying to force other countries to pay for the wall or the border that mexico does not want the wall .Donald Trump wants a wall so that the U.S.A and the mexico people do not cross border, and all President Trump is trying to tell the countries that he is not paying anything for the wall he wants. I kind of agree as well because of the tress -passing and Mexico and the U.S.A because people could most and extremely bring drugs or weapons .

Hey Manawa,
ReplyDeleteI'm Daniel from the Kootuitui Summer Learning Journey team, and I'm excited to start commenting on your blog posts this week and over the summer.
I like your comments on the Mass Migration activity. You make your opinion clear and clearly justify your stance with reasons.
You then thoughtfully consider the other side of the argument, and what some valid points might be even if you still don't agree, this is awesome to see, and you have been mature and respectful the whole time while talking about this controversial issue. Well done Manawa.
For maximum points next week remember to try an attribute any images you use from online by writing or hyperlinking to where you found them. Have a look at the activity page to see how the SLJ team has done it.
I'm looking forward to seeing more awesome work from you this week and throughout the holidays. Remember that week 1 of the SLJ program starts on the 16th of December to start earning those points.